Yang, Zhendong; Kraman, Mark; Zheng, Zhuoyuan; Zhao, Haojie; Zhang, Jialiang; Gong, Songbin; Shao, Yang; Huang, Wen; Wang, Pingfeng; Li, Xiuling (2020). Monolithic Heterogeneous Integration of 3D Radio Frequency L-C Elements by Self-Rolled-Up Membrane Nanotechnology. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, Early Access.
Sang, Lei; Guo, Xiaoxiao; Xu, Ji; Li, Xing; Kraman, Mark; Mei, Yongfeng; Huang, Wen (2020). Antenna-Filtter-Splitter Function Reconfigurable Microwave Passive Device Based on VO2. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2020, Early Access.
Ke Bai,Xu Cheng,Zhaoguo Xue,Honglie Song,Lei Sang,Fan Zhang,Fei Liu,Xiang Luo,Wen Huang,Yonggang Huang and Yihui Zhang (2020).Geometrically reconfigurable 3D mesostructures and electromagnetic devices through a rational bottom-up design strategy. Science Advances, 2020, Vol 6, no. 30, eabb7417.
Sang, Lei; Wu, Shaoran; Liu, Gang; Wang, Jinhong; Huang, Wen (2020). High-Gain UWB Vivaldi Antenna Loaded with Reconfigurable 3-D Phase Adjusting Unit Lens. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2020, 19(2): 322-326.
Sang, Lei; Dai, Kehan; Xu, Ji; Zhao, Haojie; Zhang, Jie; Huang, Wen (2020). A modified T-type equivalent circuit model for stretchable microstrip line. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2020, 1(1).
Wen Huang; Zhendong Yang; Mark D. Kraman; Qingyi Wang; Zihao Ou; Miguel Munoz Rojo; Ananth Saran Yalamarthy; Victoria Chen; Feifei Lian; Jimmy H. Ni; Siyu Liu; Haotian Yu; Lei Sang; Julian Michaels; Dane J. Sievers; J. Gary Eden; Paul V. Braun; Qian Chen; Songbin Gong; Debbie G. Senesky; Eric Pop; Xiuling Li (2020). Monolithic mTesla Level Magnetic Induction by Self-Rolled-up Membrane Technology, Science Advances, 2020, 6.
Pang, Wenbo; Cheng, Xu; Zhao, Haojie; Guo, Xiaogang; Ji, Ziyao; Li, Guorui; Liang, Yiming; Xue, Zhaoguo; Song, Honglie; Zhang, Fan; Xu, Zheng; Sang, Lei; Huang, Wen; Li, Tiefeng; Zhang, Yihui (2019). Electro-mechanically controlled assembly of reconfigurable 3D mesostructures and electronic devices based on dielectric elastomer platforms. National Science Review, 2019, 7(2): 342-354.
Michael, J., Froeter P., Huang, W., Sievers D., Li, X. (2019). Effect of perforation on the thermal and electrical breakdown of self-rolled-up nanomembrane structures. Advanced Materials and Interfaces, 1901022.
Sang, L., Zhou, H., Yang, Z., Kraman M., …, Li, X. & Huang, W. Monolithic radio frequency SiNx self-rolled-up nanomembrane interdigital capacitor modeling and fabrication. Nanotechnology. 30(36), 364001.
Ou, Z., Song X., Huang, W., …, Chen Q. (2018). Colloidal metal-organic framework hexpods prepared frompost-synthesis etching with enhanced catalytic activity and rollable packing. ACS Applied Materials& Interfaces. Article ASAP.
Huang, W., Zhou, J., Froeter, P., Walsh K., Liu, S., … & Li, X. (2018). Monolithic RF/Microwave AirCore Microtube Transformers with Extreme Performance Scalability. Nature Electronics, 1(5), 305.
Tian, Z., Huang, W., Xu, B., Li, X., & Mei, Y. (2018). Anisotropic rolling and controlled chirality ofnanocrystalline diamond nanomembranes towards biomimetic helical frameworks. Nano Letters. 18(6),3688-3694.
Fu, H., Nan, K., Bai, W., Huang, W., Bai, K., Lu, L., ... & Han, M. (2018). Morphable 3Dmesostructures and microelectronic devices by multistable buckling mechanics. Nature Materials,1. (Cover Paper)
Huang, W., & Li, X. (2018). Downscaling inductors with graphene. Nature Electronics, 1(1),6. (invited review)
Sang Lei; Xu Yulong; Wu Yun; Chen Rongmin. (2018). Device and Compact Circuit-level Modeling of GrapheneField Effect Transistors for RF and Microwave Applications, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and SystemsI: Regular Papers, Volume: 65, Issue: 8, pp: 2559 – 2570.
Li Zhuang; Qi Bukun; Zhang Xiaohui; Saeed Zeinolabedinzadeh; Sang Lei; John D. Cressler. (2018). A0.32-THz SiGe Imaging Array with Polarization Diversity, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science andTechnology, 8(2): 215~223
Fu, H., Nan, K., Froeter, P., Huang, W., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., ... & Zhang, Y. (2017).Mechanically‐Guided Deterministic Assembly of 3D Mesostructures Assisted by Residual Stresses. Small,13(24).
Nan, K., Luan, H., Yan, Z., Ning, X., Wang, Y., Wang, A., ... Huang, W., Xue, Y., Huang, Y., Zhang, Y.,Rogers, J.. (2017). Engineered Elastomer Substrates for Guided Assembly of Complex 3D Mesostructures bySpatially Nonuniform Compressive Buckling.Advanced Functional Materials, 27(1).
Sang Lei; Li, Xiangxiang; Chen, Tao; Lv, Guoqiang. (2017). Analysis and design of tapered slot antennawith high gain for ultra-wideband based on optimisation of the metamaterial unit layout, IETMicrowaves Antennas & Propagation, 11(6): 907~914.
Sang Lei; Li, Xiangxiang; Huang, Wen; Rui, Jincheng; Pang, Dongwei. (2017). A novel approach for themodeling of HEMT high power device, International Journal of Numerical Modelling-Electronic NetworksDevices and Fields, 30(1): 1~11.
2015 and before
Yu, X., Huang, W., Li M., Comberiate T., Gong S., Schutt-Aine J., Li X. (2015). Ultra-Small,High-Frequency, and Substrate-Immune Microtube Inductors Transformed from 2D to 3D. Scientific reports5, Article number: 9661, 2015.
Xu, S., Yan, Z., Jang, K. I., Huang, W., Fu, H., Kim, J., ... & Rogers, J. A. (2015). Assembly ofmicro/nanomaterials into complex, three-dimensional architectures by compressive buckling.Science,347(6218), 154-159. (Cover Paper)
Huang, W., Koric, S., Yu, X., Hsia, K. J., & Li, X. (2014). Precision structural engineering ofself-rolled-up 3D nanomembranes guided by transient quasi-static FEM modeling.Nano letters, 14(11),6293-6297.
Froeter, P., Huang, Y., Cangellaris, O. V., Huang, W., Dent, E. W., Gillette, M. U., ... & Li, X.(2014). Toward Intelligent Synthetic Neural Circuits: Directing and Accelerating Neuron Cell Growth bySelf-Rolled-Up Silicon Nitride Microtube Array.ACS nano, 8(11), 11108-11117.
Froeter, P., Yu, X., Huang, W., Du, F., Li, M., Chun, I., ... & Li, X. (2013). 3D hierarchicalarchitectures based on self-rolled-up silicon nitride membranes. Nanotechnology,24(47),475301.
Sang Lei; Wang, J.; Xu, Y.; Xu, R., Extracting Volterra series representation from X-parameters for themodeling of microwave device, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2013.3.30, 27(3):299~308.
Sang, Lei; Schutt-Aine, J. E.; Wang Jinhong; Xu Yuehang; Xu Ruimin, An Improved Nonlinear Current Modelfor GaN HEMT High Power Amplifier With Large Gate Periphery, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves andApplications, 2012, 26(2-3): 284~293.
Sang Lei; Xu, R.; Cao, R.; Chen, Y., An Accurate I-V Model of GaN HEMT Power Device for The Application ofLow Atmospheric Pressure, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2011, 25(7): 913~922.
Sang Lei; Xu, Y.; Cao, Rui; Chen, Y.; Guo, Y.; Xu, R., Modeling of GaN HEMT By Using An Improved K-NearestNeighbors Algorithm, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2011, 25(7): 949~959.
Huang, W., Yu, X., Froeter, P., Xu, R., Ferreira, P., & Li, X. (2012). On-Chip Inductors withSelf-Rolled-Up SiN x Nanomembrane Tubes: A Novel Design Platform for Extreme Miniaturization.Nanoletters, 12(12), 6283-6288.
Chen, Y., Guo, Y., Huang, W., & Xu, R. (2011). Accurate distributed and semidistributed models offield effect transistors for millimeter wave applications.International Journal of RF and MicrowaveComputer‐Aided Engineering, 21(3), 272-278.
LIU, Y., GUO, Y. C., & HUANG, W. (2010). Novel Empirical Large-Signal Capacitance Model for 4H-SiC RFPower MESFET.Journal of Microwaves, S1
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